Un concept neuf de l 'individu-selon Ernst Jünger-

L 'individualisme de l 'anarque, au sein de la tribu anarchiste, est un des points soulevés dans la vision anarcho-tribale du national-anarchisme moderne.

Resituer la personne , au centre de ses pairs, c'est à dire ceux avec qui il partage des affinités et des aspirations.

Lui laisser le choix de la tribu de vie , en toute individualité, est une des finalités du National-Anarchisme ,et de l'anarcho -tribalisme.

Pouvoir évoluer selon ses propres critères, de manière personnelle, tout en se situant vis à vis des autres, tant "alliés",qu'"ennemis", est l 'option qu'offre le modèle anarcho-tribal du national-anarchisme, dans son exemple idéal de société autogérée .

En incluant ce projet au mécanisme communautaire d'un territoire donné, l individu retrouve sa place, à la base de son identité, dans le groupe: Il s 'accomplit ainsi , enfin, en conservant sa "souveraineté"./

-anarque \a.naʁk\ masculin et féminin identiques

(Politique) Relatif à l’idéal politique de l’individu souverain.

Toutefois, plus qu’anarchiste, à l’exemple du personnage de Manuel Venator d’Ernst Jünger, je me dirais « anarque » en rappelant, à l’instar de l’auteur d’Eumeswil, que « l’anarchiste est à l’anarque ce que le monarchiste est au monarque ». — (L’Europe globalisée - La fin des illusions, Paul Ariès, 2002, L’Harmattan)

-------------NATIONAL-ANARCHISME-HISTOIRE ET PRESENT --------------------------------------------------------

-Le terme national-anarchiste remonte aux années 1920, lorsque Helmut Franke, écrivain allemand impliqué dans la révolution conservatrice, l'utilisa pour décrire ses vues politiques.



A new concept of the individual-according to Ernst Jünger-

The individualism of the anarch, within the anarchist tribe, is one of the points raised in the anarcho-tribal vision of modern national-anarchism.

Put the person back at the center of his peers, that is to say those with whom he shares affinities and aspirations.

Leaving him the choice of the tribe of life, in all individuality, is one of the purposes of National-Anarchism, and of anarcho-tribalism.

To be able to evolve according to one's own criteria, in a personal way, while situating oneself vis-à-vis others, both "allies" and "enemies", is the option offered by the anarcho-tribal model of national-anarchism, in his ideal example of a self-managed society.

By including this project in the community mechanism of a given territory, the individual regains his place, at the base of his identity, in the group: he is thus accomplished, finally, by preserving his "sovereignty".              

-anarch\ a.naʁk \ male and female identical (Political) Relating to the political ideal of the sovereign individual. However, more than an anarchist, following the example of the character of Manuel Venator by Ernst Jünger, I would call myself “anarchist” by recalling, like the author of Eumeswil, that “the anarch is at 'anarchist what the monarch is to the monarchist'. - (Globalized Europe - The end of illusions, Paul Ariès, 2002, L’Harmattan) 3 ------------- NATIONAL-ANARCHISM-HISTORY AND PRESENT ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -The term national-anarchist dates back to the 1920s, when Helmut Franke, a German writer involved in the conservative revolution, used it to describe his political views.


  1. On January 7th, individuals and groups connected with the National-Anarchist Movement were permanently removed from Facebook after being wrongly connected to events in Washington D.C. the previous day. Ironically, several hours earlier, many of us had openly distanced ourselves from the riot that took place at the Capitol building – either through our personal accounts, or the N-A forums themselves. However, as a result of one individual seen wearing a N-AM patch outside the building, the mass media began associating us with the protest – from whom Facebook apparently took their cue. Needless to say, we cannot be expected to control the actions of someone who simply ordered this item from the internet. Furthermore, it should be known that in 2016, we expelled two individuals for promoting Donald Trump and attempting to connect us with the so-called ‘Alt-Right’, and even released a statement to that effect. The National-Anarchist Movement remains strongly opposed to right-wing organisations of this kind and openly rejects all forms of racial hatred, white supremacism, fascism and neo-Nazism.


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