The way of the free voice is nowadays,our tribes, against the states!
The way of the free voice is nowadays,our tribes, against the states! The path of anarcho-tribalism now seems to impose itself, according to the free voices of several of our tribes, federated under post-national-anarchist thought… No this is not a fanciful text, but a solemn and official stand, from which our historical national-anarchist movement, will henceforth draw its common essence; One notion becomes outdated in our struggles, it is that of the nation, often interpreted by restricted minds as close to nationalism, in the pay of nation states. Easy, for a certain political fringe, therefore, to sow trouble in other minds, however receptive and curious, by agitating this national state phantom, however far removed from the philosophical aspirations of our movement of thought. Anarcho-nationalism, is indeed an oxymoron, rather than national-anarchism! Anarcho-tribalism is a kind of anarchist ideology and social system, in which there is little or no central government, and i...