The way of the free voice is nowadays,our tribes, against the states!

 The way of the free voice is nowadays,our tribes, against the states!

The path of anarcho-tribalism now seems to impose itself, according to the free voices of several of our tribes, federated under post-national-anarchist thought… No this is not a fanciful text, but a solemn and official stand, from which our historical national-anarchist movement, will henceforth draw its common essence; One notion becomes outdated in our struggles, it is that of the nation, often interpreted by restricted minds as close to nationalism, in the pay of nation states. Easy, for a certain political fringe, therefore, to sow trouble in other minds, however receptive and curious, by agitating this national state phantom, however far removed from the philosophical aspirations of our movement of thought. Anarcho-nationalism, is indeed an oxymoron, rather than national-anarchism! Anarcho-tribalism is a kind of anarchist ideology and social system, in which there is little or no central government, and individuals form voluntary associations with each other in order to form autonomous tribes. Anarcho-tribalism should not be confused with anarcho-primitivism, although the two can be combined. In an anarcho-tribalist system, a given tribe can have any level of technology, unless otherwise specified. The national-anarchist movement was also, it is true, sometimes approached by various groups, sometimes advocating racial differentiation, which could not be tolerated in a group, admittedly composed of different « tribal sensibilities », but nevertheless opposed to any form of racism, or alliance with the extreme right, otherwise, the so – called « alternative » right. The paroxysm of this antagonistic situation, which can be summed up in the use of the term “national-anarchist” by certain American racialist groups, during this ridiculous attempt, at the end of Trump’s mandate, of a neo-redneck “putch”, a situation from which our tribes also had to distance themselves, by a certain reinstatement, which had become necessary! The apolitical, even anti-political, choice was from the beginnings of our movement, clearly defended, under a common leadership that was as anti-left as it was anti-right. Such was and will remain, from now on, our tribal vision of anarchism, beyond political dogmas, with nevertheless a certain « refurbishment », a permanent revolution obliges, rather in the order of vocabulary, than that of ideology. . The anarchist and tribal option was, remains and will remain ours, in a reinvigorated and affirmed vocation of free thought, autonomy and self-management. If nations, one day there are, they will be ours, fruit of our entrails and our affinities, with respect for variety and exchanges. They will be our homelands from scratch, beyond the nation-states of the dying old world, and above the worn-out nationalisms of this international magma ruled by capitalism, authoritarianism and one thought. Our national -anarchism is tribal, so therefore we are only reappropriating our philosophical essence, also speaking of anarcho-tribalism, even anarchist tribalism! accents of a leftist requiem, which castigates the “national specter”, of a repetitive and chanting tune of the eternal refrain of “neither fatherland, nor border”, or even the discreet symphony of the “Trojan horse”, for fascists in camouflage, come to sow confusion in the ranks, however already very confused, of the pitiful organized anarchist international, to pervert poor gullible libertarians therein, by luring them into the sly abyss of a new fascism, by mixing usurped historical anarchism and right-wing extremism shameful under the hood.One of those myths from which the national suffers – anarchism, in the mouth of a left hungry for clichés, that of the « idiot trap », stuffed to the mouth of this fascism of school textbooks, which frightens this Marxist mud without culture And it is necessary, moreover, to be complete, to add the doubt which inhabits the hackneyed nationalist right about us, which it, precisely, qualifies us as chaotic without quest, even stateless patriot-eaters. »



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